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New REST APIs for creating and managing quote versions

The following Quote APIs are created in this release:

  • Create a quote version (POST /assistedSales/v1/quotes)
    Users can create quote versions using this API, send them to the customer for approval, and save them as PDFs.
  • Send Quote version for approval (POST /assistedSales/v1/quotes/{quoteId}/executeAction)
    Use this API to manage the customer quote approval process. There are different actions that you can execute on a quote version. You can request "Print PDF" ,"Edit Name", or "Customer Approvals" actions.
  • Get quote version by quoteId (GET /assistedSales/v1/quotes/{quoteId})
    Use this API to fetch the quote version detail, which contains all of the quote information from the opportunity (the source) and allows agents to choose actions from the quote approval workflow.
  • Get multiple quotes based on a source type and ID (GET /assistedSales/v1/quotes)
    This API returns a complete list of quote versions that have been discussed, approved, or rejected as part of the quote approval cycle.

Feature enablement

No feature enablement is required.

Setting enablement

No setting configuration is required.


The documentation will be updated with the release.

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